Common Problems with Driven Point Wells That You Should Know

May 26, 2022

Driven point wells are simple to dig and can offer homeowners several benefits. However, a driven point well comes with problems that you’ll want to be prepared for if you’re thinking about digging one.

What is a Driven Point Well?

A driven point well, sometimes referred to as a “sand point well” is a well that provides a shallow source of water taken from parts of the ground with a high water table.

Typically, sand point wells are dug in areas with sandy soil where water can be accessed as low as 25 feet below the ground. Considering that the average depth of a well in the United States is around 100 to 500 feet deep, driven point wells can be one of the easiest and most simple wells everyday homeowners could dig. Provided they have the space and appropriate materials.

But in New York, you will more than likely need a professional well contractor to drill your well. On Long Island, a DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) permit is not required for water wells that produce less than 45 gallons a minute — but depending on your county, you may still need one.

Why Dig Your Own Well?

There are several reasons someone may want to create their own well. For starters, it can be an interesting and fun DIY project for homeowners with the proper outdoor space, and a well may offer several benefits.

For starters, having your own well can be useful for watering gardens or lawns or creating an irrigation system.

Furthermore, driven point wells are often easier to dig than other wells (since they typically only go down 25 feet), and don’t require complex parts or machinery. This makes them an appealing project for some homeowners.

Problems with Driven Point Wells

However, driven point wells—or any type of dug well for that matter—do come with some problems you should be aware of if you’re considering digging a well.

Low & Inconsistent Discharge Rate

Depending on your area and the weather, a sand point well may not offer large amounts of water for use. During the summer months like July when it’s driest, you can typically expect less water, while during rainy months like April and October, you can expect a more abundant supply.

Ongoing Maintenance

A driven point well’s pump will require routine maintenance to keep it performing and safe. Driven point wells also require frequent cleaning to make sure it's sanitary for use.

Water Impurity

Water from a sand point well is not safe for drinking directly out of the well, since the water supply comes from the natural gradient of the materials underground.


Because a driven point well is so shallow, the water pulled from a driven point well will have a high risk for contaminants. This means it is not safe to drink water pulled from a driven point well and should not be used to water vegetable gardens.

Additionally, the heavy metals or minerals found in shallow water may harm grass or plants over time. Before drinking or using water pulled from a shallow well, the water should be tested by professionals, and a purification system used to make it safe.

The Aqua Doctor: Providing Reliable Water Purification Solutions

If you’re thinking about digging a driven point well, you’ll have to be prepared for the problems that come with a driven point well. Especially if you plan to use the water for drinking or use.

The Aqua Doctor provides water distiller purification systems that will not only remove impurities from your water, but also remove solids, minerals, and other trace elements. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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